Permohonan Isi Kuesioner :)

>> November 14, 2010

Halo semua!

Nama saya Ira Ratna Juwita, mahasiswi dari Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Indonesia, jurusan Public Relations. Saat ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian skripsi berjudul :

Perbandingan Kredibilitas Pesan melalui Facebook dan Twitter dalam Membentuk Sikap Khalayak terhadap Brand (Studi Kasus Sikap Followers @centroholic pada Twitter dan Anggota Fan Pages Centro pada Facebook)

Untuk itu, saya ingin meminta bantuan teman-teman sekalian bagi yang mem-follow Twitter Centro Department Store “@centroholic” centoholic"o " ingin meminta bantuan teman-teman sekalian bagi yang mem-follow atau pun melakukan "rusan Public Relations. Saatataupun melakukan “like” pada Fan Page Centro di Facebook untuk dapat mengisi kuesioner di bawah ini. Identitas teman-teman akan saya rahasiakan dan semata-semata hanya akan digunakan untuk keperluan penelitian.

Terima kasih semuanyaa!! Jawaban teman-teman akan sangat berguna bagi saya :)

Bagi yang melakukan like pada akun Facebook Centro di Facebook :

Bagi yang mem-follow akun @centroholic di Twitter :

Wacky Drink Pt. II

>> November 03, 2010

Hello! after a long carelessness, here I am coming again with a not-so-new-but-still-interesting topic that I want to review : “Weird Beverages In Japan”. Yup, same as before, this time I want to tell you that in this world, there are several beverages that couldn’t be found if you’re not living in Japan. Here comes the examples :

1. Beer + Milk = Bilk

Have you ever taste a beer? or milk? Yes, I bet you did. But, have you ever taste the mix of them? In 2009, a brewery in Hokkaido released a low-malt beer using milk. From what I read, one-third of this beer is milk and it taste fruity. Because of this unique flavor, this beverage hopes to be popular among woman. I want to try it anyway :p

2. Kidsbeer

The second one is “Kidsbeer”. What? Is it a beer for kids? Haha, yes it is. But don’t worry, its actually alcohol-free and only containing Latin American plant Guarana, as its main ingredient. The bottles themselves are colored brown and it looks really really like a real beer. The price? Around 380 yen per milliliter bottle. And FYI, it’s been an instant hit in Japan after released.

3. Mother’s Milk

Here comes the oddest thing for me, mother’s milk, the breast-tasting drink ever. Emm, I’m just wondering, who’s the target audiences for this kind of milk, actually? Is it for babies? or for adults? For whoever it is, I think none that could replace the real mother’s milk in this world. None of them healthier, none of them more live-giving.

4. Kimchee Drink

Wohooo!! This is the champion “Kimchee drink”, guys!! Kimchee, is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented cabbage and LOTS of red pepper. Apparently, Coolpis comes in two flavors, peach and kimchee. But, I'm not entirely sure I'd want to try out this one. Oh, forgot something, this drink wasn’t came from Japan actually, it’s Korea.

Pictures : here, here, and here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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