Random Thoughts

>> August 29, 2010

She is pessimist..

Not because she want to, but the world has taught her to be realistic at some time.

She is pathetic..

Not because she is, but people’s prejudice labeled her without knowing what’s on her mind at that time.

She is silent..

Not because she can’t speak, but she prefer observe and learn to listen at same time.

She is introvert..

Not because she is trying to be stoical, but she is just too timid to express her feeling at wrong time.

She is not crying..

Not because she is cold, but her tears only come when she is with the right person at right time.

She is skeptical..

Not because she doesn’t believe, but she’s too afraid to be betrayed at one time.

She is persistent..

Not because she’s willing to, but she doesn’t have anyone to loose her at those times.

She is real..

Not because she’s you, but she is truly me at every time.

Picture : here

Take A Peek Into My Life

>> August 20, 2010

This is the first time I want to tell you about my personal stuff.

Please ignore if you’re not interested :)

My days were so full of “Ugh!” recently. Receiving a part-time job, joining international essay competitions, working on 3 ongoing projects, planning on making a hard-yet-fun research called skripshit, and standing in the middle of confusing choices has greater impact to turns my day into something cloudy and misty. Did I do the right things? I don’t know and I don’t wanna know. So, to prevent myself thinking too much this day, I start doing one of my favorite hobbies again, random net surfing! Here are the results, welcome to the journey of my past:

Video above story about a boy who falls into a girl he looked slightly at the train station. When he found that the girl worked in a small shop (seems like mini-café), he’s started to hang a ‘cuppa cup’ lollipop with scotch tape on the shop’s window everyday and keep his adoration in secret, until finally the girl found it out and become a couple with this boy.

Call me foolish, but I envy what a sweet relationship they have. A guy who prefer give what he liked most to a girl he like, even if it is just a small thing like lollipop, is the sweetest guy on earth. I don’t like beautiful craps or excessive praise from a guy to express his love. And even though it’s naïve, but I don’t need expensive gift which unconsciously motivate your couple to give the expensive too as reciprocation of your kindness. Is that how you measure your couple?

Sadly in this video, the boy accidentally hit by a truck in the day he had appointment with the girl. And he delegates his twin brother to look after her before he died. Touching!!

Here comes the cotton candy!! One of my favorite childhood snacks. When I was a child, I prefer cotton candy to hard candies which could make my ceiling mouth feels ache and sore. And from random sites, I found that in Japan (often on festivals), the plastic bags were decorated beautifully to attract maximum attention of toddler, or me! Hihi..

Still from Japan, there are machines where you can spin sugar yourself and make your own cotton candy. Even Japan is famous with all of uniqueness, this machine apparently not so common in Tokyo. So, when you spotted this machine in Japan or anywhere, make sure you have a time to try it. In Japan, it cost about 100 yen.

Below is splendid view from The Pan Pasific hotel Yokohama. Hence, dear my future husband (buahahaha, FYI I don’t want to get married soon), after you gave me cotton candy or lollipop, could you ask me to go up to that ferris wheel and share this beautiful view with you? I’d love to.

Pictures : here, here and here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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