Kitkat Amazing Flavors

>> April 30, 2010

“Have a Break, have a Kitkat!!”

This slogan heard so familiar, wasn’t it? Yup, it’s because this Nestle product ‘KitKat’ is so popular in almost around the world. Each bar consists of three layers of crème-filled wafer, covered in an outer layer of chocolate. Only Chocolate? Of course no. Mostly in Japan, there are so many KitKat flavors like strawberry, green tea, fruit parfait, mango, choco banana, soy sauce, grilled potato, sports drink, etc. Just take a look :

Pictures : here

Special addition for you :

Sweet Corn KitKat & Watermelon and Salt Kitkat

Espresso KitKat with white chocolate & Potato KitKat

Caramel macchiato KitKat & Muscat Of Alexandria Grapes KitKat

Nyum, I want to try it all badly!! *curious*

Pictures : here

Creative Album Cover

>> April 12, 2010

These pictures are taken from Otsuka Ai’s (大塚 ) mini album which is released on September 2009. Quite funny and attractable for me to see those rabbit in small and large version cause it seems like an analogy of love itself. Small at the beginning yet large at the ending. Fun and creative!!

Picture : here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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