SOHO (Small Office Home Office)

>> March 18, 2010

I love privacy. Yup, that’s the main reason why I feel no interest exploring myself too much on many social networking sites such as fb, plurk, twitter, and these kinds of things. I prefer spending my time muted in front of computer’s screen to playing around with no exact necessity. I love work all by myself in my own private room. No distracting voice, no people around, and no smoke at all. That’s why, when I know that these products below DO EXIST. I cant resist myself to scream out loud in heart “Damn, I want it!! Cute and useful”. Here’s the product:

Picture : here

Pictures above are examples of private workplace made by OfficePOD to provide a work environment that is separate from the disruptions of home life. Actually, my room now is quite comfortable and of course larger. But sometimes I like to think that I want to have a place that separate with the general house and it’s my own private place. Am I too much? Maybe yes, but I love it. Oh, but I think this place is loss of something important: bed, and bath room (also large LCD TV with DVD player included). haha, seems like I want my own little house that not separate with my house anyway. Ps : it is portable.

Another same products (I want both!!) :


Picture : here

Wacky Drink

>> March 08, 2010

Hey, you like soft drink and bored with all of its tastes?? I have good offering for you:

Taraa!! This is new products from Pepsi (available in Japan) which have very amazing spectacular flavors, SHISO and RED BEAN. What is shiso? Shiso, better known in English as perilla, is commonly used in Japan with sushi, or in simple, its kind of mint leaf to eat with sashimi. Haha, I don’t know what pops in the Pepsi’s minds who can created these kinds of flavors. But I’m sure I won’t like it. Another Pepsi weird product:

The left one is Pepsi Ice Cucumber and the right is Pepsi White. From its name, I know you can guess that the green one is has cucumber flavored. What? Cucumber? How does it taste? Haha, I don’t know cause (again) this product is only available in Japan. But in opinion of a person that ever drank it, it was certainly not like cucumber and just a lot like water with tons of sugar and some bubble too. The white one is Pepsi with yogurt flavored. I don’t know how it tastes but for this one, I want to try it!! Japan oh Japan. Is Pepsi like to make experiments there?

Picture : here

Fact About Farts

>> March 05, 2010

Hi people !! I knew surely that you, you, and you ever pushed such an unpleasant-smelling-gas out of you bottom, right? and it’s called farts. Perhaps all that we knew is just a fact that it smells no good. But you know, apparently fart has flammable substance and bla bla bla. Go read picture below to get full description and interesting facts bout our lovely farts:

Picture : here

End of The World

2012, End of The World. Yup, I’ve been heard about these million times with million sites contained and million people discussed over and over again. Moreover, the boom of 2009 film “2012” which holds Mayan’s ‘never-been-wrong’ prognosis was hold an important role to make this topic spread all over the world. But is this trustworthy enough? Maybe if you are include as a person whose feel attracted to this topic, you ever goggling or at least search any information bout this. But I have a suggestion, go search about ‘2012 debunk’ on Google. You’ll find a lot fact you never knew before. Containing many statements that bring down most of 2012 End of the World’s prediction. Don’t forget, most of them are scientific!!

Picture : here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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