Iceberg Ship

>> January 20, 2010

Look at this picture!! Is it scary? Well, I’m here not because I want to share something about ghost ship whatsoever. But when I spotted this picture from random sites (again), I could’n resist to share a bit about it here. Why? Cause even this picture kind of spooky, but it’s bloody incredible. Isn’t it?

Literally, I don’t even know if this ship is real or not. But as far as I know, this ship has length about 2.000 foot and called “Iceberg Ship”. From NASA definition, Icebergs are huge masses of ice that break off the lower end of a glacier and fall into the sea. So, Why is it called iceberg Ship? Sorry for the second time I should say “I don’t know”. Till I wrote this, I’m not found any information yet bout this ship. Possibilities are : (1) it has body from ice, wow (2) its kinda ship which built to carry icebergs, for whaat?? Make a mountain of ice cream (3) its just a name to show the greatness of this ship (4) its just an anology. Huh analogy? Iceberg : little above, big beneath. Contrast.

So whaaat?? For the third time I should say “I don’t know”. Oh yeah. Displacement? More less two million tons. Heavy enough, Huh.

Picture : here

Beautiful Wedding

One question. What is pops in your mind while you see this picture for the first time? Romantic? Vintage? or what? For me the answer is 100% CHARMING!! Warm and lovely.

Actually, this photos was taken from Christina Hendricks (Mad Man) and Geoffrey Arend’s (500 Days of Summer) wedding on October 2009. She dresses all of her bridesmaids in vintage and makes up totally beautiful. Okay, let say I’m exaggerated. But honestly this picture was succeeded to blow my mind away for a moment. I’m not a girl woman who want to get married soon (I’m not even think about that) but this pictures was totally makes me feel the feeling of (yes, you can puke) “LOVE”. Ahha!!

Congratulation Anyway!!

Picture : here

Vintage Advertising

I don’t know why I wrote this, but eventually I feel interest with these kinda pictures I found while surfing on the random sites in internet. Here goes!!

This is an Ad for 1968 erotic film named ‘Therese and Isabelle’. Oops, don’t worry!! I found this not because I searching for nude pictures or something, but somehow I found it in someplace on marketing sites. Okay, skip that kind of unimportant things. My opinions:

While I saw it for the first time, I like the simplicity built in this picture, a bit pale but warm nevertheless. There are no excess notes which can make this Ad looks compact and boring. I don’t know opinions about this poster if it seen from advertising or film-makers perspective. But, who cares? As long as I feel it had a stopping point and I understand the message within, I thinks it’s okay! (ahha, selfish)

picture : here

The second one. Disney Advertising (1957) :

Hey, Look at this Ad, is it beautiful? For me the answer is YES for sure. A commercial poster wrapped up on seems-like- prize-contest paper that contains a story about 3 tasteful pancakes made by aunt Jemima. Good point here is the involvement of Disneyland both on the setting and story which can make this Ad feels dreamy. Totally Invigorating!! Hanky-Panky?? Uh-huh.

Ps: Hey aunt Jemima, please give me a charming white-horsed prince if I buy that pancakes. I’d love to!!

picture : here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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