Permohonan Isi Kuesioner :)

>> November 14, 2010

Halo semua!

Nama saya Ira Ratna Juwita, mahasiswi dari Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Indonesia, jurusan Public Relations. Saat ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian skripsi berjudul :

Perbandingan Kredibilitas Pesan melalui Facebook dan Twitter dalam Membentuk Sikap Khalayak terhadap Brand (Studi Kasus Sikap Followers @centroholic pada Twitter dan Anggota Fan Pages Centro pada Facebook)

Untuk itu, saya ingin meminta bantuan teman-teman sekalian bagi yang mem-follow Twitter Centro Department Store “@centroholic” centoholic"o " ingin meminta bantuan teman-teman sekalian bagi yang mem-follow atau pun melakukan "rusan Public Relations. Saatataupun melakukan “like” pada Fan Page Centro di Facebook untuk dapat mengisi kuesioner di bawah ini. Identitas teman-teman akan saya rahasiakan dan semata-semata hanya akan digunakan untuk keperluan penelitian.

Terima kasih semuanyaa!! Jawaban teman-teman akan sangat berguna bagi saya :)

Bagi yang melakukan like pada akun Facebook Centro di Facebook :

Bagi yang mem-follow akun @centroholic di Twitter :

Wacky Drink Pt. II

>> November 03, 2010

Hello! after a long carelessness, here I am coming again with a not-so-new-but-still-interesting topic that I want to review : “Weird Beverages In Japan”. Yup, same as before, this time I want to tell you that in this world, there are several beverages that couldn’t be found if you’re not living in Japan. Here comes the examples :

1. Beer + Milk = Bilk

Have you ever taste a beer? or milk? Yes, I bet you did. But, have you ever taste the mix of them? In 2009, a brewery in Hokkaido released a low-malt beer using milk. From what I read, one-third of this beer is milk and it taste fruity. Because of this unique flavor, this beverage hopes to be popular among woman. I want to try it anyway :p

2. Kidsbeer

The second one is “Kidsbeer”. What? Is it a beer for kids? Haha, yes it is. But don’t worry, its actually alcohol-free and only containing Latin American plant Guarana, as its main ingredient. The bottles themselves are colored brown and it looks really really like a real beer. The price? Around 380 yen per milliliter bottle. And FYI, it’s been an instant hit in Japan after released.

3. Mother’s Milk

Here comes the oddest thing for me, mother’s milk, the breast-tasting drink ever. Emm, I’m just wondering, who’s the target audiences for this kind of milk, actually? Is it for babies? or for adults? For whoever it is, I think none that could replace the real mother’s milk in this world. None of them healthier, none of them more live-giving.

4. Kimchee Drink

Wohooo!! This is the champion “Kimchee drink”, guys!! Kimchee, is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented cabbage and LOTS of red pepper. Apparently, Coolpis comes in two flavors, peach and kimchee. But, I'm not entirely sure I'd want to try out this one. Oh, forgot something, this drink wasn’t came from Japan actually, it’s Korea.

Pictures : here, here, and here

Modern and Creative Bookshelves Design

>> October 15, 2010

Hi there!! Again, this blog was a bit neglected because of my overload-activities own busywork. Okay, on this new post, I’ll share you all about BOOKS! Scratch that, I mean all about BOOKSHELVES!! Yep, even I’m not into books, but I like books pretty much. Bookshelves itselves, can be used not only to keep books arranged neatly, but also for aesthetic. So to you guys who feel bored about reading, books, and all of that stuff, just try to put one of these unique (and cute) bookshelves. Perhaps, it can lift your sense of reading, who knows?

1. The Equation Bookshelf

Designed by Marcos Breder, this bookshelf has simple idea to divide things in priority order. You can put together the books that you need immediately or more important between (parentheses) or maybe a photo, or something important for you to be the focal point of this bookshelf. Set others between [square brackets] and {braces}. Unique and stylish, isn’t it?

2. The Staircase Bookshelf

This great idea came from Tom Sloan at Levitate Architects as solution to a storage problem in London Victorian apartment. As you can see, no large space needed to put these pile of books. Just maximize the use of blind-spot, and get your space-saving bookshelf.

3. The Ceiling Bookshelf

If moments ago we’ve talked about staircase bookshelf, here come ceiling bookshelf which is as space-saving and creative as that one. Little difference here is just you need to put a stair or maybe tread on your bed to get the books down. And don’t forget to pay extra-attention in case the books falling from the ceiling. Hehe..

4. The Movement Bookshelf

Created by Samulnoli, this not-shape-like-bookshelf bookshelf is has its own unique way to put books, by hugging it!! Consisting arrangement of bent nails which can be shaped in the form of legs and arms acting as book holders, this bookshelf is fun to be used.. or played.

5. The Bookshelf with a Bench

Designed by Stanislav Katz (a designer from Latvia), this bookshelf might look cool in the eye. But, can you imagine staying on that place all day long? If it’s me, I think I’ll need counterpain in order to avoid backache.

6. The Vintage Bookshelf

This shelf is originally created by Jaren Goh Design for Munkii. For myself, I like the classic design embodied within a modern contemporary form in this shelf. Looks elegant and modern at the same time.

7. The Infinity Bookshelf

Created by the Dutch conceptual artist Job Koelewijn, the shape of this shelf resembles the number “8” and the mathematical symbol of infinity. As I cited from the source site, it’s perfectly represents the notion of the infinite potential and everlasting power of books.

8. Quasi-Hexagonal Bookshelf

This Opus Shelving by Sean Yoo’s has quasi-hexagonal pattern and made with “expanded polypropylene”- same material used for the car bumper and motorcycle helmet. It is very light but very strong, can be used indoor or outdoor and 100% recyclable. When I looked at this shelf, things like biology, xylem, floem, was just popped in my mind due to its shape which looks like plant’s cell. Well, IDK.

9. The Chair Bookshelf

This half-bookshelf half-chair was made by Elie Nehme and Mani Mani, a couple of young Canadian designers from the Fishbol Design Atelier. If you’re a person who too lazy to get your ass out while reading books, I ensure this thing is should be included on your must-have list.

10. The Rainbow Bookshelf

If from all bookshelves we talked about the unique design they have, now we’ll talk about creative way to manage it. Bookshelf above is arranged by color, which make the shelf looks attractive and beautiful. Problem here is just you’ll have to pay more attention to the book’s cover if you want to reproduce that effect and have your own rainbow bookshelf.

Oh, I also have unique bookshelf in my room. It shapes like alphabet “L”. Just take a look:

Pictures : here and here

“in every good girl, there’s a naughty part of them that’s just dying to come out”

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